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In February, the membership voted to approve of a new set of bylaws for NASW, as required by NY state government regulations for nonprofit corporations, except for a passage that dealt with disciplinary procedures, Article VIII. Members voted to create an ad hoc committee to further discuss and develop a draft for Article VIII. Co-chairs of the committee are Dan Ferber, a board member, and John Gever. They solicited volunteers from a general call to membership. Other members of the committee are: David Lawrence, Jennie Dusheck, Melissa Blouin, David Levine, Norman Bauman. Once the committee's work is concluded and the president, Mariette DiChristina, and others have commented, the Article will go to an attorney for review and adjustments (if needed). The amendment will then be voted on at the next annual meeting in early November in New Haven, Conn.; as usual, members may vote in person or by proxies.

President Mariette DiChristina called the meeting to order at 4:10 and established that a quorum existed. She explained that the purpose of the meeting was to vote on the proposed amendments to the Constitution and reviewed the resolution and three voting options. She said that documents from the NASW archives reflected the growth and evolution of the organization and that the update of the Constitution was part of moving toward a larger and more professional organization.

The membership meeting was convened on Oct. 25, 2008, as part of the NASW workshop, in Palo Alto, Calif. Approximately 80 people attended. President Robert Lee Hotz called the meeting to order at 8:50 a.m. and reminded everyone that the information being discussed — and more — is available on the NASW website. He praised complete transparency in communication and requested that members recommend to officers and the board additional ways to achieve this goal.