Thank you 2023 NASW volunteers!
The National Association of Science Writers thanks all the NASW member volunteers who helped out our professional community in 2023.
Dec. 22, 2023The National Association of Science Writers thanks all the NASW member volunteers who helped out our professional community in 2023.
Dec. 22, 2023SciWri23 travel grantee Helina Selemon reports on the "Mistrust and Misinformation After Ohio's Toxic Train Disaster" Science + Science Writing session in Boulder convened by CASW.
Dec. 19, 2023SciWri23 travel grantee Guananí Gómez-Van Cortright reports on the "Knowledge Co-Production and Co-Management of Arctic Rivers" Science + Science Writing session in Boulder convened by CASW.
Dec. 19, 2023SciWri23 travel grantee Michael E. Newman reports on the "Look! Up in the Sky! It’s not a UFO … it’s a UAP" Science + Science Writing session in Boulder convened by CASW.
Dec. 19, 2023The National Association of Science Writers and its Grants Committee are now accepting applications for a new round of NASW Peggy Girshman Idea Grants. All proposals are due on Monday, Feb. 12, 2024.
Dec. 12, 2023Minutes of the 2023 annual NASW Membership Meeting, recorded by NASW secretary Jyoti Madhusoodanan.
Dec. 1, 2023The National Association of Science Writers and its Awards Committee once again welcome entries for its Science in Society (SIS) Journalism Awards and its Excellence in Institutional Writing Awards (EIWA).
Nov. 30, 2023SciWri23 travel grantee Alla Katsnelson reports on the "Long COVID – What’s the Story Going Forward?” Science + Science Writing session in Anschutz convened by CASW.
Nov. 28, 2023The National Association of Science Writers invites its student members to apply for its upcoming winter programming coinciding with the 2024 AAAS Annual Meeting in Denver.
Nov. 10, 2023