Getting started

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"Technical writing sheds truth; science writing breeds understanding," Kristina Bjoran writes on her blog, where she gives examples of both (a pharmaceutical insert for the former; a CDC web page for the latter). She also offers tips for beginners who want to break into either field: Get an education, get experience, and network. "Science and technical writing exist on a spectrum — sometimes it’s the stuff in between in which you’ll find your perfect happy place."

One was escaping from a long-ago recession. Another wanted more pay and better benefits. Those were among the responses Denise Graveline got when she posted this Twitter-hashtagged question on her "don't get caught" blog: "How did you get started in #PR or #communications?" Don't miss the post from a longtime NASW member who began her account with the brief but spellbinding sentence: "Newspaper had fleas." (Just fleas? We've seen worse.)

Dear Prospective Student: Thanks very much for your interest in our graduate program in science writing. You're off to a good start by sending a professional message with some well-composed details about your background and your desire to enter our field. We'll talk soon over the phone, and I welcome you to visit us here in the redwoods. In the meantime, you've asked what I look for in our applicants — the signs that you might be a good fit for us, and vice versa. I'm happy to oblige.