Our Gang

The Journal of NIH Research has lured Karen Hopkin away from the delights of New York City and NPR's Science Friday. And,in addition, her 1997 Studmuffins of Science calendar is now available. Check out your local bookstore or send a check for $15.95 (includes $3 postage and handling) to: Studmuffins of Science, PO Box 3382, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163.

After years at BioScience, Anna Gillis is leaving to become features editor of Environmental Science & Technology as an independent contractor to the magazine's publisher, the American Chemical Society. Aries Keck has given up full-time freelancing to join AAAS's "Science Update" radio show.

Peggy Girshman and Eva Zelig received the prestigious Emmy Award for Killer Virus, the TV documentary they produced last year for The Learning Channel. The award for outstanding coverage of a continuing news story was presented in September at the National Academy of TV Arts and Sciences' News and Documentary Awards presentation in New York City. Peggy is also returning to National Public Radio.

Freelancer Maura Mackowski, who specializes in space science and technology, graduated in August from the University of Maryland (Baltimore County) with an M.A. in American history. She is now in the doctoral program at Arizona State University, working on her Ph.D. and certification in scholarly publishing. Her dissertation will focus on the American space program during the Cold War.

Judy Foreman, medical writer at the Boston Globe, received the annual media award of the Massachusetts Society of Anesthesiology "for outstanding achievements in journalism on topics related to anesthesia- past and present, intensive care medicine, or pain management.

Jim Detjen, Knight Professor of Environmental Journalism, received an Alumni Award from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

Ed Edelson is freelancing in New York City again after a stint at New York University Medical Center.

Ginger Pinholster, who has been freelancing in Wilmington, Delaware, has been named freelance editor of Reaction Times, a quarterly magazine of the American Chemical Society.

Corinna Wu has replaced Rick Lipkin as chemistry editor at Science News. Meanwhile Rick won the Grady-Stack Award from the American Chemical Society. [See p. ??]

Steven Dickman is now a freelancer writing for the Economist and Discover from Cambridge, MA.

Lisa Seachrist has become the Washington correspondent for BioWorld, owned by Medical Economics Publishing, the publisher of the Journal of NIH Research.

Damaris Christensen is now associate editor and Washington correspondent for Medical Tribune.

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