A quick glance at NASW's 1996 budget may be alarming. We are projecting a $16,375 deficit for the current year. In reality, things aren't quite that bad. A large chunk of the deficit, $7,000, is really money that was to have been spent in 1995 on the science writing book being edited by Mary Knudsen and Deborah Blum. Not spending that money contributed to the $9,006 budget surplus we enjoyed last year. We are also not counting on the $6,000 grant from CASW that we have been receiving in previous years, but some money may ultimately be forthcoming from CASW.

That being said, we are still facing a deficit. Reasons for the deficit include the fact that the symposia at this year's AAAS annual meeting were more expensive than expected, as well as necessary increases in some basic operating expenses. We have seen only modest growth in dues income, not enough cover all our new expenses. The membership has accepted this deficit budget, but the board has promised to look for ways to increase membership and to reduce the cost of next year's symposia by charging a modest sum for attendance.

Joe Palca, Treasurer


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