More online resources

Useful links

A list of other science writing organizations is available on the NASW Web site at

A list of available jobs in science writing, including freelance opportunities, workshops and fellowships, is available on the NASW site at

Online reference sites:

Services for reporters and public information officers:

  • Profnet — A free source-locator service for journalists.
  • EurekAlert — An online service that includes links to news releases on research from institutions and agencies around the world, online reference links on science, an experts directory and many other resources. Some sections of this site require registration.
  • Newswise — An online service that also provides links to news releases from hundreds of universities and agencies, as well as a comprehensive list of awards for science writers and many other useful sources. Some sections of this site require registration.

Agencies and Organizations:

Science related photography, art and images

Organizations for science writers:

March 3, 2006

BWF Climate Change and Human Health Seed Grants

EurekAlert! Travel Awards

Sharon Begley Science Reporting Award