Science writing news

Reviews and "buy now" links for eight new books have been posted in the ScienceWriters Bookstore, including the story of a renegade physician named Jean Denis, who transfused calf’s blood into one of Paris’s most notorious madmen in 1867 and was charged with murder, and two works on global climate change. Use the search box on the Bookstore page to buy these books or anything sold at Your purchases through this site help fund NASW programs and services.

Where's the line between emailed press releases and emailed spam? Not where many PR professionals think, says Jason Falls on Social Media Explorer. If you email your press release to reporters who "do not know you and didn’t ask you to email them, you are — at most — introducing yourself. If you do anything more than that, you are spamming them," Falls said. Don't miss the ensuing battle in his comments section.

A series of blog entries on the Secrets of Good Science Writing is running on The Guardian site to promote a new British science writing prize. Advice from Ian Sample: "Your job is to produce an article that is correct, clear and fascinating, that raises implications and proper doubts and leaves your readers grateful, whether they are the world's leading authority on the subject or, more likely, a passer-by who landed on your story by chance."