NASW news

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ScienceWriters2021 conference transitioning to all-virtual event

Given the continuing risks and uncertainties posed by the coronavirus pandemic, the National Association of Science Writers (NASW) and the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW) are announcing the transition of ScienceWriters2021 (#SciWri21) to a virtual-only event. The decision was reached in coordination with our hosting partners at the University of Colorado Boulder and University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

2021 NASW Diversity Reporting Grants

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended the normal order of our lives, and has represented hardships for many of us. This can be especially true for freelance writers, who may be finding it particularly difficult to secure work in these challenging economic times. The NASW Diversity Committee’s aim is to support the science writing community, so we are continuing with a set of Diversity Reporting Grants this year. This program will support five reporting grants of $1,000 each.

Making our membership more inclusive: proposed bylaws changes

We invite members to review and comment on recommendations from the Membership Committee and board to update the membership structure outlined in our bylaws. The goal of these recommendations is to provide for a more inclusive professional community and reflect changes in the field. The final recommendations will be put forward for a vote of the membership later this fall.

Idea Grants help science writers reach diverse audiences and navigate mental health issues

Three projects aiming to empower science writers and communicators to more effectively reach diverse audiences and to express and manage pandemic-related mental health issues have been selected by NASW’s Grants Committee to receive Peggy Girshman Idea Grants. The $15,000 awarded in the latest funding round adds to more than half a million dollars granted since the program’s inception in 2010.