Harassment resources

NASW is committed to diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion. We value these principles for how they enrich our profession. This commitment applies to every aspect of NASW and extends to the broader field of science writing. We believe that it is impossible to identify and communicate the full range of stories about science without incorporating the perspective of storytellers, subjects, and sources that represent the breadth of human experience. Specifically, we work to ensure that science writing in general, and NASW in particular, are welcoming and supportive of all individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, physical ability, nationality, age, socioeconomic status, and belief. We do not tolerate harassment, discrimination, or incivility.

Internally, there are several options for those with concerns about member conduct. As always, members are free to and encouraged to work through other legal and professional channels as applicable.

  1. NASW meetings and events are governed by a specific Code of Conduct, viewable here nasw.org/conference-and-meeting-code-conduct. This policy outlines what to do if harassing conduct is encountered at an NASW event, whether an in-person or virtual.

  2. Online communication via NASW platforms, including but not limited to NASW group email lists (both public and members-only), comments and discussions on NASW.org or other NASW-hosted sites, and NASW-hosted Facebook groups are governed by a specific Online Code of Conduct, viewable here nasw.org/discussion-group-policies-0. This policy outlines how to report a violation.

  3. NASW’s Operating Principles outline a code of conduct that applies to all professional interactions under NASW’s auspices. The bylaws provide for sanction or removal of a member for conduct substantially prejudicial to the purposes and interests of the Association. Substantially prejudicial conduct may include, but is not limited to, actions contrary to NASW’s Code of Ethics, Operating Principles, or Conference and Meeting Code of Conduct. Details on the complaint process are here. Complaints will be handled with sensitivity and discretion. Complaints will remain confidential to the extent allowed by the circumstances and the law, consistent with NASW’s need to investigate, correct and prevent misconduct.