Conference reports

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From ScienceWriters and AAAS meetings

I'm Catherine Meyers, a graduate student in the science communication program at UC Santa Cruz. On Saturday I will be blogging from the session "A global science writing community: Gearing up for the World Conference of Science Journalists 2011." I am excited to learn about the world of science writing outside of the United States.

Hi everyone, I'm Stephen Ornes. I'm an NASW Travel Fellow this year, and I'll be blogging on the Saturday afternoon session titled "Great science writing II: Building the big book." I always get a kick out of Jennifer Ouellette's blog, "Cocktail Party Physics," and I'm looking forward to hearing her talk about moving from blogger to book author.

Hello there, I'm Emily Voigt, another of this year's freelance travel fellows, coming to New Haven from New York City. This will be my first time attending the ScienceWriters conference (thank you NASW!) and I'll be covering the workshop "Great science writing part II: Building the big book" on Saturday afternoon.

Hi I'm Karen A. Frenkel and I'm looking forward to meeting you and celebrating our organization, which is important now more than ever. I'm a Travel Fellow and will be blogging about the Civics in Science Journalism session and doing some live tweeting.