ScienceWriters magazine

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ScienceWriters, Summer 2017

Fact-checking sites find their way into science, a report on the Pacific Northwest regional PIO conference, a science writer participates in an NIH study on a baffling medical condition, Mary Roach explains why she rents an office, updates on the 10th World Conference of Science Journalists, and the peril of relying on IRS publications. Full text visible to NASW members only.

In March, the Rockefeller University launched Seek, a new research magazine with freelance opportunities for science writers (additional info further down). Although the role of a university's research magazine is to promote its research program, Seek aims also to contribute to larger conversations — about the power of biomedicine, the ethical implications of discovery, and the role of science in society, for instance — in a meaningful way.

The five-day program for the 10th World Conference of Science Journalists features global issues, research topics and challenges, a chance to learn how science writing is done around the world, and a star-studded cast of headline speakers together with all the classic elements of a ScienceWriters meeting: professional development workshops, networking events, field trips, a pitch slam, and Lunch with a Scientist. The early registration discount ends on August 1.