Pandemic Recovery: Creativity, Mental Health and Resilience

NASW members are invited to apply for a spot in the Peggy Girshman Idea Grant-funded workshop "Pandemic Recovery: Creativity, Mental Health and Resilience."
Led by Alex Leviton, a journalist-turned-creativity teacher, the workshop will include discussions and exercises centered around creativity and its unique ability to help create more joy, resilience and coping strategies, even in the most professionally taxing of times.
The workshop is scheduled for Saturday, November 13 at 1–4pm EST (10am–1pm PST). More information on the workshop is at www.nasw.org/pandemicrecovery.
To express interest, fill out this Google form no later than November 1. We will be in touch in the week following to update you on your application status. In the event that we have more applicants than spots, we will seek to feature a diversity of voices, career paths, and geographic areas and will prioritize early applications.
Time: Nov 13 at 1–4pm EST (10am–1pm PST).
For those with additional questions and enthusiasm, informal office hours will be held for 30 minutes after the workshop with Leviton.
Participants: 16–24 (max) Cost: Free to NASW members
Apply: By Nov 1
Location: Zoom
Prep: Please bring a notebook where you can handwrite exercises throughout the 3-hour class. Handwriting is preferred, but feel free to use a computer if that’s easier for mobility purposes.
Extra credit before class: Write up your own Mathematics of Joy list.