About Science's open access “sting”

John Bohannon wrote a bogus scientific paper and submitted versions of it to 304 open-access journals. More than half accepted it, flaws and all, Bohannon reports in Science. Discussion: Ivan Oransky notes that some of the journals are owned by major publishers like Elsevier and Wolters Kluwer. Also, John Hawks of PLOS, which rejected the paper; Phil Davis; Curt Rice.

BWF Climate Change and Human Health Seed Grants

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A square graphic with a yellow sky, blue water, and a setting sun. The text reads, Workshop travel grants available. Apply by August 12. casw.org. Living and working on a hot planet. Reporting on climate change and human health. November 8, 2024. A preconference workshop presented by CASW in connection with ScienceWriters2024.