Congratulations to Elliot Richman, winner of the 2023 NASW Diane McGurgan Service Award

This year, the National Association of Science Writers awarded its annual Diane McGurgan Service Award to NASW member Elliot Richman. NASW president Cassandra Willyard announced the honors at the annual NASW Membership Meeting, held online on Oct. 18

Vertical photo of Elliot Richman posing in front of an ornate bookcase. Photo courtesy of Elliot Richman and University of Rochester

Elliot Richman (Courtesy of Richman/University of Rochester)

From among more than 200 active NASW volunteers, Richman was recognized by the NASW Board for his active and sustained participation in not one, not two or three, but four NASW committees.

NASW Grant Committee colleagues have appreciated Richman's thoughtful, careful review and discussions of NASW Peggy Girshman Idea Grant proposals, which constitute the largest of NASW grants by monetary amounts awarded. NASW Programs Committee team members also appreciate Richman's careful reading and analysis of annual conference session proposals — sharing organized notes and offering timely and consistent support to proposal organizers as they shepherd sessions from ideas to reality. Finally, the NASW Board also extends its appreciation to Richman for his thoughtfulness and dedication through his volunteer time as part of the NASW Diversity Committee and NASW Awards Committee as well.

Thank you, Elliot, for your commitment to NASW by helping out in so many areas while maintaining a depth of care and engagement in each and every one of them!

The NASW Diane McGurgan Volunteer Service Award was established in 2001. NASW member Louis Lerner, who passed away in 2006, wished to show appreciation for then-Executive Director Diane McGurgan and other members whose efforts on behalf of NASW go beyond the call of duty. With more than 200 active volunteers annually, NASW relies on the energy and enthusiasm of members to help shape programming, lead or contribute to projects and programs, or run for the board. Learn more and get involved.

Founded in 1934 with a mission to fight for the free flow of science news, NASW is an organization of ~ 2,800 professional journalists, authors, editors, producers, public information officers, students and people who write and produce material intended to inform the public about science, health, engineering, and technology. To learn more, visit and follow NASW on LinkedIn.