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Reviews and "buy now" links for eight new books have been posted in the ScienceWriters Bookstore, including the story of a renegade physician named Jean Denis, who transfused calf’s blood into one of Paris’s most notorious madmen in 1867 and was charged with murder, and two works on global climate change. Use the search box on the Bookstore page to buy these books or anything sold at Your purchases through this site help fund NASW programs and services.

Registration is now open for the 2011 World Conference of Science Journalists scheduled for June 27-29 in Doha, Qatar. Read the warm invitation from World Federation of Science Journalists' President Nadia El-Awady at We are also pleased that through the hard work of our international liaison, Deborah Blum, our board members, and others, NASW is content partner for this exciting world conference.

Registration is now open for the 2011 World Conference of Science Writers in Doha, Qatar, June 26-30. The event includes multimedia workshops, dozens of sessions on hot topics in science writing, and field trips to explore science and the environment in the Arab world. NASW is content partner for the WCSJ, in collaboration with the Arab Science Journalists Association and the World Federation of Science Journalists. Early bird registration ends April 11.